Tutors in California tutorsincalifornia.com
Tutors in California
Our services
Tutoring: Also:
All subjects Pre K - 12 Special education teachers
College students Testing and counseling by
Adult education school psychologists
The Tutoring
Tutors in California offer tutoring in most school subjects. To find a tutor you can go to the find a tutor page and look for a tutor on the tutor list and find out how much they charge. But if you can´t find a tutor in your area you can put your name on the student list where tutors can find you and then contact you. Whatever you choose to do we wish you successful tutoring sessions.
Student registration
Please fill out all the information requested in the form on the student list page. It will give us the information we need to contact you and to determine who is the best tutor available in your area. Please note: you must be at least 18 years or older to fill out this form. If you are not, then we need one of your parents, custodians, and/or legal guardians to fill it out. If there is more than one student to register, please fill out a seperate form for each one.
Tutoring rates: Before you submit your information, go to the find a tutor page to learn about the individual tutor rates.

Why choose our tutors?

What we provide

Our principles
- They know how to tutor/teach
- They know the subject matter
- They charge reasonable fees
- They have flexible scheduling
- They can come to your home or
- You can go to their home
- You can also meet at a location of your choice.
All the professionals listed on this website decide themselves the fees for their service.
Our tutors develop an individual instructional plan for the student based upon pre testing school data
They provide ongoing progress report of the student´s work
The tutors use research-based strategies that are effective
The tutors will work on individual or small group basis
The Tutors in California offer services for special needs students by special education teachers
Our service is personalized in such a way that the curriculum is tailored to address each student's unique needs. We work with each student to reach his/her set goals by using positive reinforcement. Time is best used by targeting and strengthening specific academic areas. Academic success results in improved confidence and self-esteem which in turn increases the enthusiasm for learning. Such positive effects last through life, far beyond the school years.
Tutors in California